My family is extremely religious and until a few years ago I was too. I've been to church every Sunday of my life and gone to Sunday school for most of that time. During the latter end of those classes, in my teen years, ever single lesson seemed to be focused on a single topic: virginity. Every single Sunday night my classmates and I were told that the best thing we can do for our future husbands and wives(as if they were already chosen for us and our free will meant nothing, but I digress) was to maintain our chastity and be abstinent. I didn't think much of it at the time but mostly because I had never been put in a position were my "faith" was tested. Later, when I began to question my faith, I came back to this lesson and decided to look into it further.
Its funny how this tenet is accepted almost universally among religious people without a seconds though to its deeper purpose. Its yet another example of the ignorance necessary of religious believe but the point of this post isn't to bash religion that openly. To simplify the dogma it would be that the best thing you can give to your future love if your body. Now this seems utterly ridiculous to me. The best thing my future wife can give me is not her unbroken hymen, that is absurd. What strikes me as odd is that the Christianity and most other religions are openly against the objectionable of people but that is exactly what they have done here. Your future wife or husband is only as good as the condition of their body, a physical object. Lets just forget about the life they have lived; it is all about their body according to the church. To any rational person, the best thing a spouse can give is unconditional love, never-mind what else they have done in their life.
I'm just going to note here at the end that marriage can not only be based on mental and emotional compatibility. Physical compatibility is just as big of a component. I would talk about it further but i don't feel educated enough in the subject to get into it. So please take this with a grain of salt, after all I'm only 18, I'm not some expert of marriage or sexuality. Anyway, thanks for reading.
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